Thursday, 30 April 2009


she think she is the best girl in the world .
NO! She is not!!!!!

she is an arrogant person
she is a bad-tempered person
she is a childish person
she is a cowardly person
she is a egoistic person
she is a self-consciuos person
she is a sensitive person
she is a stubborn person
she is a vain person

i don't know why she was acting like that.
i don't know why she not talking to me
i don't know why she look like pitty person

why she said that in front of my face
“Everyone get A ”

it very hurt me lol
i want to slap her
but i can't
everytime when i have a nice day
why does she done that for me
(make me feel angry)

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

True Love

无论是爱, 还是恨,
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is
Wherever you go whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
When I miss you do you see the rain
want you know I like you
do you remember me in the rainy day?
Our love is something beautiful I seal it with a kiss
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I would never leave you alone

Very bothersome

'如果' 是我这一生中最最最最讨厌的词了.....因为每次到后悔了就会想起如果......但是如果根本就改变不了事实......
come on Xinny...stop being lazy....just work hard for these year then everything is done...just in this year man...then you can enjoy your life...please....these year are vital...if you work hard..then your entire life might be changed....please....I'm begging you....GOGOGO

Monday, 27 April 2009


Love and Hate

Love and Hate

Many people have so many thing to love but don’t have many reasons to hate something or some people. I love my friend, my family and my country because I have lots of memories about them. When I was four years old .I didn’t live with my parent but I lived with my aunt’s family ,my sister and my brother. My aunt got two daughters and four sons. Every Friday or Sunday we used to help my aunt to do something with cleaning the house, cooking and order things. I also miss my friends in Malaysia because I come to London when I was 12 year old. However I got so many new friend in London as well . I hate people smoking in front of me because it is not health to our body also science. Sometimes it is very intresting and other time I fall asleep in the lesson. I love going shopping with my friends. This is the best part of my weekend. I hate it when someone lies to me instead of telling me the truth especially when is about something important. However, I normaly get over staff I don’t hate my friends for the rest of my life, as we all learn from our own mistakes. The best thing is to forgive someone when they make a mistake, instead of hating them.



> 马来西亚华人乃是晚清时广东省和闽南移民华侨的后代。当地华人对华教的坚持、文化的传承是不留余力的。我们堪称是海外华人中中文水准颇高的华人,但且看我们的普通话.............>

> 中国人:今晚你有空吗?我没空!

> 马来西亚华人:今晚你得不得空?我不得空!

> 中国人:饼干受潮了…。

> 马来西亚华人:饼干'漏风'了…。

> 中国人:从上海去苏州要多少个小时?

> 马来西亚华人:从上海去苏州要几粒钟?

> 中国人:难道他不可以来吗?

> 马来西亚华人:你不给他不 来啊?

> 中国人:周杰伦不喜欢穿内裤。

> 马来西亚华人:周杰伦不喜欢穿底裤。

> 中国人:我一向都是这样的

> 马来西亚人:我一路来都是这样的啦

> 中国人:我的手机掉进沟渠了。

> 马来西亚华人:我的手机掉进龙沟了。

> 中国人:这样你不是很不值得吗?

> 马来西亚华人:这样你'马'很不 '歹'?

> 中国人:你真是聪明!

> 马来西亚华人:你真是pan nai!(源自马来语pandai,聪明的意思)

> 中国人:你安静!

> 马来西亚华人:你diam diam!(源自马来语diam,安静的意思)

> 中国人:我要去银行取款。

> 马来西亚华人:我要去银行'按钱'。

> 中国人:为什么?

> 马来西亚华人:做么?

> 中国人:你很强~

> 马来西亚华人:你很够力~

> 中国人:明天也叫他一起去吧!

> 马来西亚华人:明天叫'埋'他一起去!

> 中国人:我很郁闷~~~

> 马来西亚华人:我很'显'(sien)啊~~~~('显'比郁闷的境界更高)

> 中国人:你再说我就打你!

> 马来西亚华人:你再说我就hood你!(有点粗俗的)

> 中国人:你在说什么?

> 马来西亚华人:你在说sommok?

> 中国人:你不要令我丢脸~

> 马来西亚华人:你不要'下水'我~

> 中国人:真被你气到…。

> 马来西亚华人:被你炸到…。

> 中国人:你别乱来~

> 马来西亚华人:你表乱乱来~

> 中国人:你很无聊

> 马来西亚华人:你很废

> 中国人:XX你

> 马来西亚华人:Kanasai(意思是像大便一样,骂人的话)

> 中国人:迫切

> 马来西亚华人:bek chek>

> 中国人:我们一起吃这碗面~

> 马来西亚华人:我们'公司'吃这碗面~(源自马来语的kongsi,就是一起分享的意思)

> 中国人:我们结婚吧!

> 马来西亚华人:我们结'分'吧!('婚'字受粤语影响,所以音不标准)

> 中国人:今天的天气很热~

> 马来西亚华人:今天的天气热到。。。。。。。。。。。。。。~~~~~~~('到'字要拉长,然后没有下文了)

> 中国人:哇!>

> 马来西亚华人:哇捞weh!!!!>

> 中国人:我受不了他!

> 马来西亚华人:我behtahan他!>

Monday, 13 April 2009

London Eye

Today is one day which my brother rests, he proposed that leads us to look at the fountain, but we go inadequately, that is because we couldn't find that place in where, but my younger brother helped us to think a place.

You guessed where today we have gone to?
Nearby this place has Big Ben and a river, some time you may also see it in the news. I wanted to go to this place already quickly to have two years, it was London Eye

Thoese pictures are attractive, can shoot to the such beautiful picture,i thuoght very Lucky because may see these many lights are revolving the London Eye are a very unforgettable matter.The very few people can see this beautiful one day, except in New Year.

Today is i plays in the vacation most joyful one day ^.^

i want to ask My Best Friends How was your Easter Holiday?I want to said to you guys "I have a very very nice holiday and i enjoy it ,C u guys after holidays I hope you guys can enjoy your lovely holiday same with me as well"

Saturday, 11 April 2009


你喜欢怎样的男孩? 他是你的谁?

那L O V E呢?你有吗? 把你的真心交出来,眼睛闭起来。 抽出你的宝贵时间去想想吧!

Friday, 10 April 2009


有一次,我发信息给他。我问你还喜欢我吗?。。。。。。。。。他说他喜欢一个人很久了。那女孩不是我。不够他有给我一个答复那就是(我也不知道)我只是要让他知道 哥“我还喜欢你”。不管他给我的答案是好还是坏我都会去克服我自己。或许我必须用很长的时间耐心的去等待因为喜欢一个人是不能勉强的。。。。。

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Any thing lets you remember him

Any thing lets you remember him
(ask YOURSELF FIRST and choose the BEST items)

*A pLaCe
*A SceNe
*OnE kiNd oF flaVor
*A SoNg,
*A nAmE
*OnE Kind of sOuNd
*A StrIng diGit
*A fEw wOrds
*A piCtuRe
*One kiNd oF sMile
*One kiNd of feEliNg

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


其 实 幸 福 就 在 我 们 身 边,

In fact , on around us happy,

那 些 拥 有 幸 福 的 人 们,
happy people who have,

请 去 珍 惜。
please go cherish.

Thursday, 2 April 2009



原因很简单,就在愚人节的那一天,我在网上给她发了一句话那就是‘he is my boy friend'之后我就回她"我只是骗你的,愚人节快乐".那时她跟我说“好玩吗”,和“我不喜欢别人把我喜欢的人当成玩笑"。我觉得她好像是在生气了,我只好跟她说声“对不起”。我在问回我自己我有错吗?值不够是一个玩笑为什么她会把它当真。那时我也在生气,因为那天是我在学校被很多好朋友玩弄最开心人的一天也就是我第一次和他们一起度过的快乐愚节。

第二天早上,我买了很多“Eastern Egg”去学校送给我的好友;她也不例外。我想亲手交给她可是那天我们根本一句话都没和对方说过。到了休息时间,我的好友问我“Do u know where is she "我只好和他们说我不知道”。休息时间已经过了,那时候我有科学课,我的朋友们都一直问我你还好吗?那是我根本不想和任何人说话,他们只好用纸和笔和我聊天。

午餐时间到了,我真的很想和她作回朋友,可是她为什么会突然生气,我只是想把easter egg 给她,可是我去看不到她,当我把easter egg 给我朋友让他们转交给她的时候,为什么她会以为是个玩笑呢!,她把egg 还回来,然后我就很气的把egg 扔到地上,后面我就气冲冲的跑到厕所,刚踏进门,我朋友就连忙拉我出去,他们拉我去操场,那时候她在听着电话,然后我朋友就去找她,她以为我们怀疑她和某个男生讲电话,后面就讲了一大堆道理,而我却一点都不懂她在说什么,然后她就无语无辜说了一句:piss off...,然后我就气着离开了。

上课时间也到了,我嘚必须和我的朋友一起去上西班牙课。那是她也和我上同一样的课。那时我根本不知道要跟她说些什么,我的脑袋一遍空白。上课时间也结束了,我身旁的好朋友就把那个easter egg 给我,我还以为他们把它扔了,不知我所料,我朋友想要我把这个礼物亲手交给她。而我不想,我只好教给我另一个朋友交给她。那是她还跟我说了“谢谢”接着她还问我“为什么不要自己亲手给呢?那天我的心情被她弄的恼羞成怒。